Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Craft Work Liver Damage What Craft Supplies Can Be Used To Create The Digestion System Organs Like The Liver, Stomach, Spleen, Etc.?

What craft supplies can be used to create the digestion system organs like the liver, stomach, spleen, etc.? - craft work liver damage

Make a digester project in 3D. I have a whistle, as the esophagus and a pink balloon in the stomach, but what other objects are used, a liver or spleen, pancreas, etc., see Thank you =)


bigd said...

styrafoam good they have it in different sizes. Use floral wire if you need chains or nerves.
and there are clay
said that it is always fun

I worked in a craft store after year .. I also ask if you need help someone who does not work can help

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