Saturday, January 9, 2010

Industrial Recycling Bins I've Decided To Start Recycling--Is It Possible To Rinse Out Used Toilet Paper And Re-use It?

I've decided to start recycling--Is it possible to rinse out used toilet paper and re-use it? - industrial recycling bins

We both layers, extra strong toilet paper rolls, a distributor of industrial wholesale my husband.

I have already installed a biological composting toilet in my house and it really can not put the toilet paper used.

I thought it would be a good idea to wash and reuse them. He has already tried this before? (my husband is a lot of TP)

Thank you and God bless you!


ĿỉŁF™ - backup under a Snuggie ↕ said...

We have never used our TP for years, but the end of everything, rinse in a large piece, and then flat, dry, then re-use in the facial tissue. Once used as a handkerchief, then we can more rinse / dry period, and finally back ball and dried again, and our own Q-Tips. A little PT can really not much more if you are committed and patient.

ĿỉŁF™ - backup under a Snuggie ↕ said...

We have never used our TP for years, but the end of everything, rinse in a large piece, and then flat, dry, then re-use in the facial tissue. Once used as a handkerchief, then we can more rinse / dry period, and finally back ball and dried again, and our own Q-Tips. A little PT can really not much more if you are committed and patient.

Karen W said...

It is not really contribute to long-term use by the quantity of water and electricity to wash the toilet paper is more than the amount of water and electricity to make recycled paper PT.

Please note that your time and effort is worth the money. If you do not see it, at least in mind that these time and energy to do something more useful for the environment, such as planting trees to replace the wood, as suggested earlier posters.

In addition, some E. coli can survive the washing, even in hot water. You could be risking their health. (And if you end up with diarrhea due to infection by E. coli, which do not save at the end of a roll on that day.)

kcguy693... said...

Personally, I like the effort you put there, but if it's a joke that you loved, gone too far. If you look at my profile, I will not say that as a rule. If you have a bathroom big compostable combine that with 100% post-consumer-TP, or even better than a bidet accessory, and call it good. You bidet accessory, which is a standard service, if you have already taken the step of compostable bidet, a piece of cake and take care of most of the issue of TP.

Ben said...

I think it would be a better idea of the acquisition of 100% recycled toilet paper and do not use much. Maybe you can calculate how much you used, and plant a tree for toilet a lot. To be honest, would have significant impact on the environment through investments in renewable energies such as wind or solar energy. But if you are committed to the best of luck in the search for toilet paper.

PanicFan said...

I love the world and I love green, but I think that the reuse of toilet paper is a little exaggerated. You need not be too hard to save the planet. The smallest things make the difference, such as recycling, saving is not garbage, water, save energy and help everything on the earth, rather than totally ignore the problems.

You do not even reuse your TP.

estban said...

By God, human excrement is loaded with some nasty biological organisms. Do not try to recycle better, the health problems that any savings in the attempt to negate TP could arise recycling. If you try to reduce the environmental impact of their family and then tell the washing of clothes, preferably white, light, if it is used. Simply wash them with bleach. People Wipers year into the aircraft before the arrival of the TP.

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